The Lunch and Learns are a collaboration between the Huron Valley American Institute of Architects, Washtenaw Contractors Association and A2ZERO. These short webinars cover a variety of topics related to building efficiency and the broader goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Lunch and Learn 2024 Series
Recording Links
- 1-9-24: University of Michigan 2024 Sustainability Update
- 2-13-24: All Electric Food Service Planning & Design for Sustainability
- 3-12-24: Waste Water Energy Recovery: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Power of Waste Water
- 4-9-24: What’s New in Geo? An Overview and Update – Can we reduce field sizes by up to 80%?
- 5-14-24: Accelerating to Zero – Faster Together City of Ann Arbor & Washtenaw County Progess
- 6-11-24: Passive Building for Multifamily and Commercial: Case Studies and Best Practices
- 9-10-24: Introduction to ASHRAE Guideline 34-2019: Energy Guideline for Historic Buildings , Presentation
- 10-8-24: Emerging High Performance Glazing Technologies , Presentation
- 11-12-24: COMMERCIAL ON-SITE SOLAR AND STORAGE: WHY SOLAR? WHY NOW? Integrated System Planning for New and Existing buildings, 2030 Presentation, City of Ann Arbor SEU Presentation, Arbor Consultants Presentation.
Lunch and Learn 2023 Series
Recording Links
- 1-10-23: A decarbonization pathway for retrofitting buildings and portfolios to be Future-Fit and avoiding Brown Discounts
- 2-14-23: How professionals can incorporate energy efficiency, renewable energy, and develop brownfields and historic properties with the knowledge of tax credit incentives and the influence of Carbon Neutrality policies from the Inflation Reduction Act
- 3-14-23: Reducing Embodied Carbon: Challenges, strategies and tools
- 4-11-23: GeoExchange Systems: Renewable and Efficient
- 5-9-23: Accelerating to Zero—Faster Together City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, U-M updates
- 6-13-23: We ran into some technical difficulties and the presentation was not recorded but you can access the presentation materials.
- 9-12-23: Technologies that get us to carbon neutral
- 10-10-23: We ran into some technical difficulties and the presentation was not recorded but you can access the presentation materials.
- 11-14-23: Energy as a Service Energy Transformation and presentation
Lunch and Learn 2022 Series
Recording Links
- 1-11-22: Washtenaw Climate Action Plan
- 2-8-22: Native Landscape & Green Infrastructure
- 3-8-22: Collaborating on Building Decarbonization in the City of Ithaca, NY
- 4-12-22: University of Michigan Campus facility strategies
- 5-10-22: Reducing Embodied Carbon: The role of Mass Timber and developing a Circular Wood Economy
- 6-14-22: Building Electrification: An Owner’s and Architects Guide to Heat Pumps
- 9-13-22: Lowering the embodied carbon in steel in carbon capture research and technologies
- 10-11-22: Smarter Buildings: Data Driven Building Performance
- 11-9-22: Affordable, Net Zero Energy Multi Family Housing