Come and join Ann Arbor 2030 District for the First Annual Celebration of our progress in reaching carbon neutrality.
Deep Dive Workshops (3:30-4:45 pm):
Join us for technical workshops on policy, transitioning your building’s energy, funding resources, and reviewing your building’s benchmarking.
The Workshops (Choose One) (3:30 – 4:45): Limit 16 people each
The Program (5-8 pm):
Join us for an evening celebrating our race to Zero! There will be entertainment and networking… and food! Local vendors will present vegan/vegetarian hors d’oeuvres and you can vote on your favorites. The evening will include Pecha Kucha presentations, where we can share and learn about one another’s work. It will culminate with an awards ceremony recognizing various achievements in moving toward carbon neutrality.
Tickets (includes 2 drink tickets/admission) Register here
Location Genesis Ann Arbor