Greater Victoria 2030 District Members’ Meeting – April 2022
Topics: Resiliency Tool, Energy Study - early findings, City of Victoria Retrofit Case Studies, BOMA BC Climate Action Program, and Gas Absorption Heat Pumps.
Topics: Resiliency Tool, Energy Study - early findings, City of Victoria Retrofit Case Studies, BOMA BC Climate Action Program, and Gas Absorption Heat Pumps.
Main topic: EV Charging
Agenda 2030 District Updates Regulatory Update: new Zero Carbon building (Andrew Pape-Salmon and Derek de Candole) Feature Topic: Tenant engagement presentation/ discussion (led by Jennifer Davis) Discussion / sharing
Main presentation from SOFIAC, new member introduction.
In person meeting and site tour at Jawl Buildings. 9:30 am - 1 pm (lunch included)
Join us for some networking, BOMA BC and BC Hydro updates, and Townline tour. 9 am to noon.
Join peers, build leadership, and take action. We invite all building owners and tenants to join us for an open house to learn more about how joining the District can...
Register for our next online members’ meeting, which will be held on June 6, 9:30 am-11 am. This meeting is also open to non-members. This webinar will focus on the...