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This guide was put together by the Grand Rapids 2030 District's Professional Partners Group (PPG). The group began in 2022 to help businesses and organizations in the Grand Rapids area find ways to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. The PPG includes experts from the energy management industry, architects, engineers, consultants, and local government.

This would not have been possible without the insight and efforts of PPG members and peer reviewers.

Prepared by:
Kayla Snyder, Program Manager of USGBC West Michigan

Designed by:
Ally Beshouri, Communications Manager of USGBC West Michigan

Professional Partners Group Members:

Cheri Holman, USGBC West Michigan

Alec Nichols, E3M Solutions

Andrew Hascher, AMERESCO

Eric DeVries, E3M Solutions

Benjamin Glendening, Catalyst Partners

Jeffrey Groth, Trane

Mark Wiley, Energy Design Engineers

Jennifer Spiller, City of Grand Rapids

Kelsey Groesbeck, Tower Pinkster

Kelsey Wotila, Foresight Management

Kyle Rieth, Catalyst Partners

Matthew Williams, Synergy Consulting Engineers

Matthew VanSweden, Foresight Management

Paul Koops, Fishbeck

Rajul Patel, Citra Tech

Taylor Davis, Synergy Consulting Engineers

This Guide was created through the expertise and insight of the individuals above, their associates, other industry professionals, as well as references cited in the Resources Page.

2030 Districts Network