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The Toronto 2030 District

Leading the effort to create a new model for
urban sustainability and shared economic growth.
We are a global network of districts committed to making
meaningful changes within cities that address climate change

Linked In A Powerful Network

The 2030 Districts Network was established to lead the effort to help newly forming Districts and to coordinate existing District resources and collaborations in cities across North America.

Our objective is for 2030 District members and partners to have equal access to the support and resources needed to reduce emissions in the entire built environment by 50-65% by 2030 and reach zero emissions by 2040

2030 Districts are rapidly emerging as a new model for urban sustainability.

Our 24 established districts nationwide, made up of more than 1,650 organizational members, have committed over 618 MILLION SQUARE FEET of commercial building space to address climate change.

Established Districts
Organizational Members
Square Feet of Commercial Building Space Committed

Achieving District-Wide Goals Together

2030 Districts are committed to reducing:

Building Operational Emissions

to Zero

Building Water Consumption

by 50%

Transportation GHG Emissions

to Zero

by the year 2040

2030 Districts are meeting incremental reduction targets for new and existing buildings set by the 2030 Challenge for Planning, which was issued by Architecture 2030, a non-profit organization committed to transforming the built environment from a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central part of the climate crisis solution.

Private-Public Partnerships

2030 Districts are organizations led by the private sector, with local building industry leaders uniting around a shared vision for sustainability and economic growth – while aligning with local community groups and government to achieve significant energy, water, and emissions reductions within our commercial cores.

Property owner/manager/developers join a local 2030 District to help them make significant changes to their properties to create reductions necessary to transition to a low carbon economy.

A Successful 2030 District is a PRIVATE-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP comprised of:

Property Owners and Managers

that own, manage, and/or develop real estate within a District boundary

Services Stakeholders

providing related services within a District boundary

Community Stakeholders

representing either non-profit organizations or local government

Leveraging Strategic Partnerships

Energy Assessment
Software Tools
Collective Buying Power
Professional Services

Latest News

September 21, 2022 in Toronto

Integrated Pathways to Decarbonization Report

August 2021- Integrated Pathways to Decarbonization Report Released Dear Toronto 2030 District Partners, We are pleased to share this brief synopsis of the fourth report of our Pathways to Net…
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September 21, 2021 in Toronto

Energy Efficiency Report

Nov 2021- Energy Efficiency Report Released Dear Toronto 2030 District Partners, We hope that you are all enjoying the spring season. We are pleased to send this brief synopsis of…
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August 21, 2021 in Toronto

Energy Supply Decarbonization Report

August 2021- Energy Supply Decarbonization Report Released Dear Toronto 2030 District Partners, We are wishing you all the best. As a resource to all of you in the Toronto 2030 District community,…
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2030 Districts Network