Company Name: Tompkins County
District Affiliation: Ithaca
Company Type: Property Owner/Manager,
Public services,
Community Stakeholder,
Address: 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Website: tompkinscountyny.gov/government
About Tompkins County:
Tompkins County was founded in 1817. Since 1970, it has operated under a County Charter, with a legislature-administrator form of government.
County Legislature
- Oversees county services and spending
- Sets policy and determines the best use of financial
- resources
- Appoints the County Administrator, County Finance
- Director, County Attorney, and Legislative Clerk
- Legislators elected every four years from districts of approximately equal population size
County Administrator
- Oversees and coordinates county government
- operations to carry out policies of the Legislature
- Appoints all other non-elected department heads, subject to Legislature confirmation
- Guides delivery of services by employees of county departments and through contracts with not-for-profit agencies and service providers