Company Name: Downtown Ithaca Alliance
District Affiliation: Ithaca
Company Type: Community Stakeholder,
Address: 171 East State St. PMB #136, Center Ithaca, Ithaca, NY 14850
Website: downtownithaca.com/
About Downtown Ithaca Alliance:
The Ithaca Downtown Business Improvement District (IDBID), is a State of New York chartered 501c3 not-for-profit organization charged with the revitalization, development, promotion, and management of downtown Ithaca. The IDBID operates as the Downtown Ithaca Alliance (DIA).
Downtown Ithaca is the economic, social, and cultural heart of Tompkins County. The Downtown Ithaca Alliance serves people who live and work downtown, city and county residents, college communities, area visitors, and tourists.