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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The promise of the 2030 Districts was forward-focused back in 2011: To bring members of the built design community together to find ways to cut construction and operational emissions in energy, water, and Co2 from transportation options by 2030. To remain on the cutting-edge, the 2030 District strives to create an inclusive community that represents the city we serve.

Our goal is to positively push the building industry to include a greater diversity of voices in the decision-making process. Our work with BIPOC and low-wealth populations is driven by the communities we serve. Please reach out with your suggestions and constructive feedback to reach this visionary goal together.

Below, you can learn about some of our key projects that are advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the city we love.

Decarbonize Affordable Housing Now

In partnership with the Housing Development Consortium, the Bellevue 2030 District is co-chairing the Decarbonize Affordable Housing Now Task Force. The Decarbonize Affordable Housing Now team works to build pathways for affordable housing providers to achieve net zero energy and comply with city decarbonization targets. The aging affordable housing stock in our region needs significant programmatic support to meet energy and emissions goals over the next ten years. This group will create models for affordable housing decarbonization, facilitate demonstration projects, and advocate for policies that enable building improvements.

Learn more about the Housing Development Consortium and the Exemplary Buildings Program here.

2030 Districts Network