Our mission is to build partnerships around the 2030 Challenge for Planning goals in order to maximize the economic vitality of our city while also accelerating the environmental performance and interior health of our city’s buildings. We are actively addressing climate change mitigation and resilience as an organization dedicated to climate justice and energy equity.

Our Mission

Our Services
We have developed realistic, measurable, and innovative strategies and programs to engage and work directly with our Property Owner Partners to assist them in meeting our aggressive carbon-clean goals — and save money — by:
- Analyzing utility bills to define energy and water performance in relation to 2030 Challenge goals;
- Analyzing their property to define opportunities for rainwater harvesting to make properties environmentally healthier and more resilient;
- Facilitating use of employee transportation surveys to explore more efficient transit solutions;
- Preparing and sharing reports with Property Owner Partners that outline improvements that can be made with explanations of the financial and environmental values; and
- Providing connection to Professional Service Partners who are qualified to perform the improvement services.

Our Stats
23.9 million: The gross number of square feet, in floor area, in the Tucson 2030 District.
13.4 million: Total square feet of the buildings participating in the Tucson 2030 District.
56%: The partnership rate, by building, for meeting 2030 Challenge goals.
We Support the United Nations Climate Sustainability Goals