Community and Partnership
- 27 million square feet of floor space committed
- 47 partners committed
Benchmarking and reporting tools
- Toronto 2030 Platform: Tracks building performance in the Toronto 2030 District using data from Toronto Hydro, Enbridge Inc, and Enwave Energy Corporation
Pathways Project
- Phase 1 – Completed Pathways to Net Zero Background Working Paper
- Phase 2 – Completed Heating Energy Supply Decarbonization Report (Fuel Switching)
- Phase 3 – Energy Efficiency
- Phase 4 – Integrated Pathways to Decarbonization
- Phase 5 – Toronto 2030 District Summary Report
- Phase 6a – Net-Zero Buildings Pathways Tool Guide and Methodology
- Phase 6b – Net-Zero Buildings Pathways Tool (EXCEL Open-Source Database) Nov 2024 Update
Fuel Switching Pilots
Toronto 2030 District is committed to support the small commercial building market in understanding and undertaking fuel switching projects from natural gas heating to electric heat pumps. To best serve the market, we are studying heat pump fuel switching projects in Toronto, to gain high performance data and improve support programs. Selected projects will benefit from technical and external funding support, gain industry profile, increase asset value and reduce costs.
Does your building or project qualify?
- Your property is less than 50,000 sq. ft. and is considered mid-tier (i.e., B or C Class Commercial Real Estate)
- The property is located within or close to our pilot study area in Central West Toronto
- Your natural gas HVAC equipment is coming to its end of life and is due for replacement
- You are an HVAC supplier, mechanical engineer, architect, or energy consultant working on a heat pump fuel switch project
- You are a building owner / investor ready to make the switch to clean, efficient electric heat pumps to heat and cool your building