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The 2030 Districts Network was developed BY commercial real estate owners FOR commercial real estate owners.

The Network works with owners to help them navigate the difficult landscape of creating more environmentally friendly properties while also maintaining properties which have a positive economic benefit for owners.  The Network and Districts have a number of programs which specifically help owners to make changes in their properties.

Please see the chart below for sponsorship opportunities (downloadable PDF version.)  For more information, please contact the Network Executive Director, Dave Low –

Sponsorship checks should be made out to the 2030 Districts Network and can be sent to:

The 2030 Districts Network
c/o Dave Low
190 US Rte 1, PMB #115
Falmouth, ME  04105

If you would like to make a corporate or a private donation using a credit card please use our form at Givelify,



The Network and the District play an increasingly large role in the commercial real estate market throughout the US and Canada.  As evidenced below:



22 US Districts and 2 Canada District - 24 Total

Square Feet

603 million + square feet of commercial real estate committed to the 2030 Challenge Goals


1650+ Organizations Committed to the 2030 Challenge Goals


3800+ Buildings Committed to the 2030 Challenge Goals

Social Media Reach for the year 2020

  • Email subscribers – 15,800+
  • Facebook Followers – 6,600+
  • Linked In Followers = 5,100+

2030 Districts Network