Virtual Event: We'll discuss our responsibility to protect our invaluable water resources in NE Ohio. There is a great deal of important research underway that many are unaware of. We...
The 2030 District is kicking off our 2024 stormwater events with a tour of an important project in our own back yard: the newly constructed Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station....
The Seattle and Bellevue 2030 Districts and Building Potential (formerly Northwest Energy Efficiency Council) are excited to invite you to the 'Energy Insight Forum,' a two-hour education event focused on...
All Electric Food Service Planning & Design for Sustainability Case Study: UM Central Campus Residential Complex Speakers: Steve Giardini, Senior Director Michigan Dining Kris Morphis, Principal, ricca Design Studios Tarah...
Since 2021, the Climate Pledge Arena has been a beacon for sustainability in Pacific Northwest. We invite you to come learn alongside industry peers about the important work they are...
Join the Ann Arbor/Washtenaw 2030 District to develop your checklist to improve the energy and water efficiency of your apartment building with your maintenance staff. Kevin McNeely will address: Air...
On Sunday, March 3rd, 2024, the Cleveland Cavaliers and NEOSTEM Ecosystem are teaming up for year three of “Score with STEM”. This event is designed to spark excitement and interest...
Hear thought leaders in various markets, processes and technologies share ideas. Join educational institutions, healthcare facilities, corporations and leading organizations that are making high performance systems and energy reductions the...