A2ZERO Green Fair
2023 A2ZERO Green Fair Friday, September 22nd | 5:00-8:00pm | Downtown Main Street EV Test Rides at the Library Lane Lot | 2:00-6:00pm An annual event to learn about all of the ways...
2023 A2ZERO Green Fair Friday, September 22nd | 5:00-8:00pm | Downtown Main Street EV Test Rides at the Library Lane Lot | 2:00-6:00pm An annual event to learn about all of the ways...
The Cleveland area does not currently meet the 8-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone as required by the Clean Air Act. The area is currently classified as “moderate...
“Cash in on Clean Energy Tour”: IRA Implementation Workshop, 12-6pm in Columbus, OH Gina McCarthy and America Is All In are hosting a workshop to help businesses, cities, and nonprofits in Ohio take advantage...
The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District reports that Cuyahoga County generated approximately 953,000 tons - yes TONS - of waste in 2022! We all have a part to play in...
Playhouse Square is the largest performing arts center outside of NYC and is one of Cleveland's most iconic and beloved destinations. Come tour the performance spaces and learn the rich...
The Bellevue 2030 District and our partners talk a lot about operational carbon emissions. But what about the emissions resulting from the new construction process? Come hear from LMN Architects...
The proposed Seattle Building Emissions Performance Standard sets emissions targets for large Seattle buildings in an effort to combat climate change. The Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment joins us...
Cleveland 2030 District is a non-profit partner supporting the 2023 Ohio Energy Conference, taking place on November 8th and 9th, 2023 at the Hilton Columbus at Easton. This two-day event...
This session will look at power generation from a number of perspectives. Utilities are facing a changing landscape and must examine their business models to find ways to add value...