GPD Group is a team of over 500 people from architects to designers to engineers to planners and everything in between. Each of us specializes in various markets, but there’s a common element that binds us. Passion. We dig into your project right away. We ask questions, we explore every angle and we consider every need. Then, we assemble the team that will transform your vision into reality.
GPD can offer a full-service team to streamline every project. We also have specialists in each area of public buildings, education, housing, land surveying, parks and recreation, utility services, public works, transportation, retail / commercial, telecommunications, healthcare, MES and geotechnical services.
The GPD leadership team is committed to growing and evolving with the times, while remaining true to our values. Our ability to adapt our methods to your needs enables us to comfortably manage most any project with one foot firmly grounded in the present and one eye on the future.