Company Name: Cleveland Neighborhood Progress
District Affiliation: Cleveland
Company Type: Community Stakeholder,
Community Partners
Address: 11327 Shaker Blvd., Suite 500W Cleveland, OH 44104
Website: clevelandnp.org/
About Cleveland Neighborhood Progress:
Mission: to foster equitable revitalization throughout Cleveland’s neighborhoods by strengthening the community development ecosystem.
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress is a local community development funding intermediary with thirty years of experience investing in community revitalization work in Greater Cleveland.
Neighborhood Progress was founded in 1988 and serves a unique function as it is the only local intermediary in the region. We are proud to be nationally highlighted as a leader for engaging in best practices in various facets of nonprofit programming.
- The central role of cities, neighborhoods, and people in place
- Race matters
- Equity for all people
- High-capacity Community Development Corporations
- Climate Resiliency and Sustainability
- Broad-based collaboration, resident empowerment and partnerships
- Transparent and informed decision-making
- Access to quality affordable housing, education, and retail, artistic, & cultural amenities
- Catalytic Public & Private Investments
- Advocacy for equitable policies