The Green Building Challenge is a program of the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the United States Green Building Council and the Cleveland 2030 District.
A series of four educational events were presented throughout 2015 to educate building owners and operators on the benefits of green building practices. Cleveland 2030 District provided guidance on creating an Energy Star Portfolio Manager account to measure progress. The Green Building Challenge celebrates reductions in energy use compared to baseline in Northeast Ohio.
Property owners, property managers and developers enter utility data in Portfolio Manager for measurement and verification of energy savings against performance baselines. Energy Use Intensity scores were calculated and awards were presented in several categories to those who have achieved significant savings.
The educational series was structured on the overall process of optimizing building energy performance: evaluating facility performance (ASSESS), setting goals and creating an action plan (TARGET), implementation of energy conservation measures (DELIVER), and measurement/verification of savings (MEASURE).
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Green Building Challenge:
Greatest Reduction form Baseline EUI Through 2014:
Winner: United Way
Second Place: The Albert M. Higley Company
Third Place: Midtown Professional Building
Honorable Mention: K2M Design
Greatest Reduction from Baseline EUI Through 2015:
Winner: United Way
Second Place: The Albert M. Higley Company
Third Place: Midtown Professional Building
Honorable Mention: Cuyahoga Community College
Most Improved EUI 2014 to 2015:
Winner: Forest City Realty Trust Post Office Plaza
Second Place: Forest City Realty Trust Tower City
Third Place: United Way
Honorable Mention: Progressive Field
To read more about the 2015 Green Building Challenge, see the article in Properties Magazine, June 2016 edition.