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Our members continue to make progress toward our goals.  We reduced energy use by 28%, water use by 35% and reduced transportation emissions by 40% from baseline values.  This report illustrates the intersection of operational efficiency and environmental stewardship. Cleveland building owners and managers are leading the way to create a more sustainable, resilient and competitive city.


As pandemic concerns eased in 2022, we saw a return to working in person.  Consequently, there was an increase in our energy and water use, as well as transportation emissions compared to 2021. Our members continue to implement projects to operate their buildings as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.  The District continues to make good progress toward our goal to mitigate the built environment’s impact on climate change.


The pandemic continues to be of concern throughout 2021.  In our annual progress report, we follow the impact the pandemic has had on commercial building operations.  Our members have taken steps to address safety, air quality, and health concerns as the virus continues to spread – all while remaining committed to efficient use of resources and the 2030 District goals.


2020 will be a year we all remember.  The worldwide pandemic turned everyone’s life upside down.  Our property owners and managers faced heightened concerns for indoor air quality and building safety.  Cleveland 2030 District members were steadfast in their commitment to environmental stewardship while addressing new concerns amid the health crisis.  This report highlights the progress we’ve made and the affect the pandemic has had on building operations.


Our 2019 report demonstrates the progress we have made toward our 2030 goals in energy, water and transportation emissions.  The Cleveland 2030 District’s work is closely aligned with the City of Cleveland’s Climate Action Plan which is reflected in this report.  The progressive property owners and managers who are members of the District are committed to environmental stewardship and operational efficiency and it is evident in the results we have achieved.


We are proud to present Cleveland 2030 District’s 2018 progress report. The report reflects the tremendous advancement our participating properties made throughout the year towards our 2030 reduction goals in energy, water, and transportation. Thank you to our supporters and partners in helping to make this progress possible. Together we are actively reducing Cleveland’s negative impact on the environment.


In the Cleveland 2030 District’s 2017 progress report you will read about our many accomplishments, including metrics detailing our progress toward the Challenge for Planning goals.  Collectively, on average, our participating properties have reduced energy consumption by 20%, water use by 18% and commuter transportation emissions by 16% from baselines.  We are proud of this exemplary performance, creating a healthier and more resilient environment.


Cleveland 2030 District’s 2016 progress report represents accomplishments through the end of the year.  We are making a positive impact on Cleveland and the environment thanks to our members, funders, Board members, volunteers and all who support the work of the Cleveland 2030 District.


Cleveland 2030 District is pleased to publish its first progress report.  This represents accomplishments through October 2015. Thanks to all who participate, volunteer, fund and support the organization.

2030 Districts Network