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The Network

The vision of the 2030 Districts Network is to establish a global network of thriving high-performance building districts and cities, uniting communities to catalyze transformation in the built environment and its role in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Each District commits to meeting 50-65% reductions in energy, water, and transportation-related emissions as established by Architecture 2030 in its 2030 Challenge for Planning as seen to the right:

Accelerating to Zero – Beyond 2030

In the fall of 2022, the Network adopted this new goal:

The 2030 Districts Network provides critical leadership and resources to reduce emissions in the entire built environment by 50-65% by 2030 and reach zero emissions by 2040.

The 2030 Districts Network leads building sector efforts to achieve these urgent goals through a just and equitable transition and aligns its goals with current climate science.

The 2030 Districts Network collaborates with its members to drive down energy and water use, building and transportation related emissions and promote healthy buildings. Accelerating to Zero emissions requires energy efficiency, electrification, clean grids, reduced embodied emissions, and advocating for building codes, policies and incentives that promote a resilient and vibrant future for all.

Annual Report

The Network has compiled an annual report to showcase the work which has been done nationally and locally.  The report highlights a variety of successful programs and includes metrics for annual energy savings totaling 30% over baseline which is in line with the stated goal of achieving an energy savings of 35% by the year 2025.  While there is much work to be done, the efforts of the Districts and their members show steady progress.

The Districts

While all Districts strive to achieve the above goals, each District has its own structure.  Some are stand-alone non-profit organizations while others exist as programs of other local non-profit organizations.  To read more about local Districts, see the individual pages for each.  Another great resource is the annual reports provided each year which outline reductions in member buildings, as well as the programs Districts, implement to help members achieve those reductions.  See the Annual Report page for more details.

The 2030 Districts Network is a US-registered 501-c3 non-profit organization that works to help drive reductions in energy, water, and transportation-related emissions from the built environment.

The Network convenes and works closely with the various 2030 Districts around the US and Canada to help provide their members with services that they can implement to make meaningful changes to their real estate.  These efforts are the key to making changes that will address the threat of climate change.

The Network receives funding from several sources including grants and sponsorships. If you are an individual and would like to help support our efforts, please click on the donate form found below.


If you would like to financially support the Network through a sponsorship – please see this page

If you are interested in being a corporate sponsor, joining a District or the Network, please visit this page to find out more information – Corporate Membership

Your donation will help the Network continue to provide education, programming, and services to members throughout the country.  All donations will go directly to programming to help create meaningful change in the built environment.

If you are interested in our corporate sponsorship program for the Network, please see this page

To find out more about being involved or donating to a District or the Network, please contact us –

Network Administration

The 2030 Districts Network is a US registered 501 C3 non profit organization comprised of the Established 2030 Districts throughout the world.  Its mission is to develop and sustain local 2030 Districts as they empower and inspire their members and partners to achieve the 2030 Challenge goals.  The vision of the Network is to establish a global network of thriving high-performance building districts and cities, uniting communities to catalyze transformation in the built environment and the role it plays in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Currently, the Network includes over 615 million sq feet of commercial real estate whose owners have committed to working to achieve the Architecture 2030 Challenge for Planning goals to reduce resource use.  Over 1,650 organizations have agreed to be part of the Network and over 2100 buildings are committed.  The Network works with its members and partners to develop means to help the commercial real estate community overcome barriers to achieving the 2030 goals.

If your organization or your city is interested in being part of the Network, please use the Contact Us page or email us directly at

The Network Board of Governors

The organization is governed by a Board of Governors chosen by the 2030 Districts.  Governors are committed to helping the Network, the Districts and their members succeed in achieving the Architecture 2030 goals for resource reduction.

  • Jiri Skopek, Board Vice Chair
  • Tim Thiel, Covestro, LLC, Treasurer
  • Cindy Cicigoi, Cleveland 2030 District, At Large Exec Committee Member
  • Eric Drummond, Innovation Corridor
  • Cheri Holman, Grand Rapids 2030 District
  • Angela Kyle, JLL
  • Erin McDade, Architecture 2030
  • Brett Phillips, Luci Renewables
  • Elizabeth Rojas, Rojas Design
  • Jill Zeigler

Non Profit Governance

The 2030 Network is committed to being an organization that upholds the highest standards of corporate governance and expects all representatives of the organization to do the same.

Below are corporate governance documents available for public viewing.

2030 Districts Network