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Toronto 2030 District is looking for small Commercial Heat Pump Projects in Toronto



Toronto 2030 District is committed to support the small commercial building market in understanding and undertaking fuel switching projects from natural gas heating to electric heat pumps.

To best serve the market, we are studying heat pump fuel switching projects in Toronto, to gain high performance data and improve support programs.

Selected projects will benefit from technical and external funding support, gain industry profile, increase asset value and reduce costs.

Does your building or project qualify?

  • Your property is less than 50,000 sq. ft. and is considered mid-tier (i.e., B or C Class Commercial Real Estate)
  • The property is located within or close to our pilot study area in Central West Toronto 
  • Your natural gas HVAC equipment is coming to its end of life and is due for replacement
  • You are an HVAC supplier, mechanical engineer, architect, or energy consultant working on a heat pump fuel switch project
  • You are a building owner / investor ready to make the switch to clean, efficient electric heat pumps to heat and cool your building

Please take the survey to submit your project

Benefits of Participating

Technical Expertise
Participating buildings will access our qualified and experienced member network for help throughout all stages and technical aspects of your heat pump project.

Grant/Financing Support  
We’ll advise you or your client on incentives, grants, and low interest financing that enhance the business case for your heat pump project.

Increased Asset Value
In a carbon emission regulated environment, low carbon properties will be worth more than comparable buildings using natural gas, and face less regulatory and future carbon tax cost risk.

Marketing/Brand Recognition
Our network wide promotion of your project helps build a positive profile for your building and your business to industry, investors and customers.

Increased Tenant Satisfaction and Comfort  
Tenants with their own sustainability commitments are increasingly requiring their landlords to decarbonize their properties. Green buildings command higher rents and tenants experience a higher degree of building comfort and satisfaction when occupying an efficient and low-carbon building.

Heat Pump FAQs
Heat Pump Brochure

Join our community of changemakers and innovators!

The Toronto 2030 District is working to create high performance, low impact buildings in downtown Toronto through collaboration, better data, and industry leadership.

If you are interested in discussing how your heat pump project could participate in the pilot demonstration campaign, please contact: 

Steven Pacifico
Executive Director, Zero Carbon Buildings Accelerator Program





2030 Districts Network